Conor Birthday Update (13 days late)

Legoland with Brother!

What are your favorite things?

Food: “I LOVE pizza! I do like grilled cheese and tomato sauce with pasta.” 

Color: Golden, silver is second favorite

Stuffed Animals: “My whale, my Penny and Fawny and Penny’s Brother, Wiggy and Sharky, and my creeper and charlie and stuff like that” 

Show: Pup Pals
Movie: “I have to whisper in your ear… Lion King”

Book: “Oooo… I have all of them, especially Narwhal and Jelly books and everything by David Biedryzcki like Santa’s Jet and Me and My Dragon … except the sloth one that was at the book fair.”

Author: David Biedrzycki 

Animal: Rhino, followed by whale

Favorite things to do: “If you ask your favorite things to do, bounce on your bed with loveys, and regular, and tease”

Hobbies: Building legos, organizing things, collecting money

Holidays: St. Patrick’s Day, Easter, Christmas 

Presents (for Christmas or Birthday): Polar Express train that wraps around the Christmas tree (thank you Grandma!), my new iPad and also my surprise Wiggy and my birthday present Sharky (from Elliott) and my bank

Friends: Theo, Jackson, Bennett, Barrett, Miles W, the other Miles I know, Luna, Reid “That’s pretty much my favorite friends, those are all my favorites”

Sport: Wrestling and football and tennis

Team: Notre Dame and Packers and Vikings and Seahawks and Eagles 

Candy: Swedish Fish

Homemade Dessert: The huge cookie that Mom baked 

Subject: Specials stuff like art, gym, music, library

Trips: Dominican Republic and Florida

So excited that Mom is at school to ready for Conor’s birthday!!!

My hat-loving, hot chocolate-drinking handsome guy

How did we celebrate?

You love Christmas, so you wanted a Christmas party like Brother (with a gift exchange) and then a birthday party a month later. Both at home. I said that we needed to combine, so you had a Christmas-Birthday party at home with about 11 friends. We planned lots of fun games, like the gift exchange, pin the carrot on the snowman (we made the snowman), bozo show game with santa buckets, etc. You seemed to get overwhelmed by the amount of noise and kids not following your plan, so you didn’t have the best time, even though the party was exactly what you asked for. 

Then, we were in the Dominican Republic with Nana, Pop, Jira, Alex, Clayton, and Wesley right before your birthday, so we sang you happy birthday at dinner and then took everyone to the arcade. We arrived home two days before your birthday, so Dad, you and I decorated the dining room. (You had many specific instructions). On your birthday, I read to your class (yay!!). We had grilled cheese and carrots for your birthday dinner–and cookies and brownies for dessert. You DO NOT like cake and you make sure everyone knows! And, then you organized arcade games for our immediate family to play. 

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Happy 6th Birthday Conor!

Some highlights from Conor’s birthday, which included me reading to his classroom and him organizing an arcade for the family in the basement!! But no cake for this guy — just cookies and brownies!!

we love you!!!

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Conor’s Christmas-Birthday Party

Conor loves Christmas and wanted a Christmas gift exchange party with friends. We turned it into an early bday party bc I didn’t want to host 10 kindergartners twice!

games included pin the carrot nose on the snowman, bozo the clown bucket game, and Christmas gift steal/swap. Underutilized stations included ornament decorating, legos and magnatiles  After Conor hurt his toe on a Lego container and was just overstimulated from too much noise, we turned on the grinch movie and that settled things down

conor is lucky to have made so many nice friends in the neighborhood and at school

He was also very excited that Buddy the Elf was here too!



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Fall 2024: greatest hits

1st half-marathon in more than 15 years!

Rhino baby and mama! (Thanks to Elliott for both of these costumes!)

Sloo Moo slime museum

More slime!

First time at the Bean

Night in the big city!

Proud Conor in his kinder classroom! (Isn’t that jumpsuit the best? Hand-me-down from Elliott)

Super Bowl cheering squad! (Even the last place team–our Seahawks–“made” it to the Super Bowl

Go Seahawks! (Can you tell that Conor helped me decorate his poster?)

Elliott stage crew for play

So proud of El for trying something new!

6th grade cousins & best buds

A lame pumpkin outing with my two boys

Natalie is 2nd to the left (dancing at the fundraiser)

Happy 5th birthday Wesley!

McGlinn Shamrocks weekend!

We had to say goodbye to Issy this year

So thankful our MA friends could visit!

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Thanksgiving 2024

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Natalie in the Nutcracker

Natalie was in the Nutcracker. She was amazing!! She has been working every Sunday since September to prepare for the four performances this weekend. She was a solider in two of the performances and a debutante in the other two. Not only is she a beautiful and graceful dancer, but her expressions and mannerisms as a part of the party scene were spot on. She had a whole crew on Saturday night gathered to see her performance — Grandma, Kenzie, Dad, Elliott, Mom, Clayton, Nana, Pop, her best friend Kalina and Kalina’s mom. Jira made her an absolutely gorgeous Nutcracker bouquet, complete with Nutcrackers, roses, and hazelnut chocolates. (I knew I couldn’t compete with that so we got her a card and a Starbucks gift card.)

Grandma & Erin working concessions!

Post-Saturday night’s performance!

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The many faces of Conor

I have to clear out my photos so Jordan can use some for a Christmas calendar. I have nearly 1500. Here’s a sample of why there are extra extra this year!!

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Happy Halloween!!!

Conor’s “tricks” as he went around the neighborhood…

What do clouds wear under their pants?

How do you make a tissue dance?
Put a little boogie in it

Why do seagulls fly over the sea?
Because if they flew over the bay, they would be called bagels!



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Elliott’s first play: Robin Hood

Elliot did tech crew for the play at his middle school, Robin Hood. He applied for costumes. I guess costumes in middle school isn’t the most busy responsibility, so he had a lot of downtime and might explore lights or audio for the spring musical. We are proud of him for trying something new, meeting new people, and putting in the effort. The students really did an incredible job and the play was funny. It even had Ken references from the Barbie movie. Nice job Station! Grandma, Grandpa, Uncle Alex, Clayton, and I went to the Saturday night performance… and Jordan, Pop and Conor went to the Sunday afternoon performance (no pics taken at that one!)

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