What are your favorite things?
Food: “I LOVE pizza! I do like grilled cheese and tomato sauce with pasta.”
Color: Golden, silver is second favorite
Stuffed Animals: “My whale, my Penny and Fawny and Penny’s Brother, Wiggy and Sharky, and my creeper and charlie and stuff like that”
Show: Pup Pals
Movie: “I have to whisper in your ear… Lion King”
Book: “Oooo… I have all of them, especially Narwhal and Jelly books and everything by David Biedryzcki like Santa’s Jet and Me and My Dragon … except the sloth one that was at the book fair.”
Author: David Biedrzycki
Animal: Rhino, followed by whale
Favorite things to do: “If you ask your favorite things to do, bounce on your bed with loveys, and regular, and tease”
Hobbies: Building legos, organizing things, collecting money
Holidays: St. Patrick’s Day, Easter, Christmas
Presents (for Christmas or Birthday): Polar Express train that wraps around the Christmas tree (thank you Grandma!), my new iPad and also my surprise Wiggy and my birthday present Sharky (from Elliott) and my bank
Friends: Theo, Jackson, Bennett, Barrett, Miles W, the other Miles I know, Luna, Reid “That’s pretty much my favorite friends, those are all my favorites”
Sport: Wrestling and football and tennis
Team: Notre Dame and Packers and Vikings and Seahawks and Eagles
Candy: Swedish Fish
Homemade Dessert: The huge cookie that Mom baked
Subject: Specials stuff like art, gym, music, library
Trips: Dominican Republic and Florida
How did we celebrate?
You love Christmas, so you wanted a Christmas party like Brother (with a gift exchange) and then a birthday party a month later. Both at home. I said that we needed to combine, so you had a Christmas-Birthday party at home with about 11 friends. We planned lots of fun games, like the gift exchange, pin the carrot on the snowman (we made the snowman), bozo show game with santa buckets, etc. You seemed to get overwhelmed by the amount of noise and kids not following your plan, so you didn’t have the best time, even though the party was exactly what you asked for.
Then, we were in the Dominican Republic with Nana, Pop, Jira, Alex, Clayton, and Wesley right before your birthday, so we sang you happy birthday at dinner and then took everyone to the arcade. We arrived home two days before your birthday, so Dad, you and I decorated the dining room. (You had many specific instructions). On your birthday, I read to your class (yay!!). We had grilled cheese and carrots for your birthday dinner–and cookies and brownies for dessert. You DO NOT like cake and you make sure everyone knows! And, then you organized arcade games for our immediate family to play.