Happy 8 Months, Natalie!

On Friday, Natalie celebrated 8 months.  The time is definitely flying by – having a kid is so much more busy than just waiting to have a kid (being prego).  Its been a great 8 months and Natalie just keeps on keeping us on our toes!

What?!? I'm 8 mo today! YEAH! I'm so big.

Weight/Height: She won’t know these stat until her 9 mo. appt, but she seems to be getting taller and heavier – though less dense.  I can actually see her neck.

Developmental Milestones: This girl sits like a champ – and has for quite awhile.  And, she is beginning to be mobile… her routine goes: Sit, lean forward to fall on her belly, roll over (still left shoulder only), land on back, wiggle/squirm, and squawk until someone helps her sit upright again.  She also loves to walk, with assistance, and can walk from one end of the house to the other.  She isn’t crawling yet, but has shown a bit of interest in trying. 

Sleeping: Natalie goes to be around 7:30 p.m. and wakes up around 6:30 a.m.  Sometimes, she’ll still wake up in the middle of the night, but we’re trying to break her of that.  If she wakes up at 5:30, I usually feed her, so that we can squeeze out an extra hour of sleep.  She takes two naps a day, ranging from 45 min to 1.5 hours.  I personally love this sleep schedule – she’s awake long enough for us to do fun activities and sleeps longer, so that we still get a break!

Food: Barley, rice and oat cereal, level 2 gerber food, smushed bananas and avocados.  She likes my homemade yellow squash, but doesn’t like the green beans.  BabyCenter says we can start moving into cooked noodles and cheese – so fun!

Favorite Activities: Swinging at the park, watching other kids at the park, walking at the park (sense a theme here?), Dancing, Looking at people who look different than her, playing with her toys (the caterpillar rattle from Gloria has been a lifesaver – she doesn’t like her diaper changing table much), Singing, Talking, Drooling, Silliness (esp. from her Dad and Pop).  She is getting better at reading books, but her bouncey gym doesn’t keep her engaged quite as long.  She also likes watching people go by from our front porch/stoop area.

Wanna see me blow a rasberry?

Today also marks Nana’s and Pop’s last day with us in Chicago/Evanston.  We are so appreciative of them being able to spend most of July & August with us – Natalie knows them so well now, and they were a big help, admist all these changes (new jobs, new home, etc).  Over a yummy Nana-made dinner last night, they confirmed that they want to come back next summer.  Nice work, Natalie!  Your cuteness and charm worked! 🙂

Have you met my Nana? Everyone should have a Nana!

I've gotta get this thing off of me! (Insert grunt here)

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