Last Week as a Stay-At-Home Mom (For now)

I know life with a kid is busy, but these have been an especially busy few weeks.  On Aug 3, we did the reverse move… after 5 years (nearly to the date!) in Evanston, we bucked the trend of moving further out into the suburbs once you have a kid and instead headed into Chicago.  I’m excited to be starting a new job with Chicago Public Schools ( (on the education side, but not as a teacher), which I was connected to through a leadership development program (The Broad Residency,– you should check it out if you’re interested in doing mission-driven work!).  And, CPS requires that you be a resident of the City of Chicago, so off we went! 

I have spent the last 10 days unpacking – with the help of Nana and Pop, who have done everything from organizing our kitchen to decorating to putting up curtains to taking care of Natalie.  (THANK YOU!!!)  And, lucky Jordan, has pitched in on nights and weekends, after very full days of work.

Don’t you worry though – my last week as a stay-at-home mom (for now!) was still super fun.  Here are some of the highlights….

A typical morning with Nat

Um, Mom... aren't we supposed to be reading?!? Get back over here!

Hmmm... I like it. No I don't. Yes I do. I'm not sure. Mom, what the heck is this thing? (Answer: a cherry)

Have you done your morning stretches yet?
Then, Megan and Molly invited us to their play group, which met at Adams Park (Armitage & Seminary for any Chicago moms), about a 15 min walk from our place – with a great water park.  I love this place!  Natalie and I took Pop and Jordan to it this weekend too.

Nearly 8 mo sure is a fun age, but Olivia, Max, Ella and Molly - you make 11 mo old look even better! Thanks for letting me crash your play date! I'll see you at Molly's 1st year bday next month!

Oh my gosh. You guys are a blast! I wanna crawl, walk and scoot like you! (Molly, you've gotta teach me that 360-degree bum rotation thing you do)

(Note from mom: Purposefully silent - Natalie definitely likes to examine situations.)

Megan & Molly were also kind enough to invite us to their music class, which was  a blast!  However, I didn’t get any pics of this.  I need an Iphone!
Pop also came over to play with Natalie this morning… she’s his #1 girl in Chicago, since Kathy is in Houston this week with her sister.  Natalie was very nice to share her Nana with Aunt Ann, but is excited to have her back on Tuesday!

Hop on Pop! (Dr. Seuss reference)

I have had a fabulous 8 weeks at home with Natalie – she is such a sweetie and I feel so blessed to be her mom.  However, I feel great about who she will be hanging out with while I’m at work… more on that in a future post!

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